Product Name: PCPC Crude

Description Units Values
Product Name   Crude CPC
Colour Index Number   74160
Chemical Class   Crude Copper Phthalocyanine
CAS No.   147-14-8
Physical form   Dark blue powder
Specific Gravity   1.65
PH (5% Sol’n)   6.5 -8.5
Acid Pasting Minimum % 98.5
Copper Estimation Minimum % 96
Residue (325 Mesh) Maximum ppm 150
Moisture (Loss on Evaporation at 105oC) Maximum % 0.5
pH Value (2% Pigment Water Extract)   6.5 to 8.5
Conductivity μs/cm 500
Free Copper Maximum ppm 1000
Acid Leach Test * 1-20 scale 1
Alkali Leach Test * 1-10 scale '1-3
Bonded Copper Minimum % 10.7
Regulatory Compliance
Dioxins   BDL
Heavy metals   BDL
Banned amines   BDL
* 1-Excellent, 20-Poor, 10-Poor
BDL - Below Detectable Limit

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